May 29Liked by Ted Balaker

The twisting of everything- context, intent, facts, and accompanied bullying, by MSM and social media, is so typical that it isn’t even disappointing anymore. The left has become exactly like the far right in a different uniform. Quick to judge, demonize, and punish- no thoughtfulness, pondering or inquisitiveness, because they are always correct.

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Yes. Very well said. Big media brands don't even bother to engage in basic journalistic practices like representing someone's words accurately.

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Nicely presented discussion and facts, thanks very much! I don't follow football but, these days, it's a fairly safe bet that any headline or highlight will misrepresent the non-insane among us. My hunch is that it's going to get a lot worse, information-wise, before it gets better. We all should have been more critical of news and reporting many decades ago, but starting to triangulate alternate sources and resources now, or yesterday, or 2020 or 2008 -- any time really -- is the next-best move.

Personally I give very little attention to 'breaking' news, regardless; I like books, on paper: much more challenging to stealth-edit!

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Thanks, and good point! "Personally I give very little attention to 'breaking' news, regardless; I like books, on paper: much more challenging to stealth-edit!"

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