Regarding that 8% https://substack.com/@outis9a/note/c-88110374?r=1eolp

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Taleb is great. Thanks for the recommendation. Looking forward to reading it.

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I totally agree. It's not over by a long shot. We need to get the Marxist out of our colleges. That could take ten years.

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Yeah, I agree. College is usually the source of the pollution, and it still enjoys massive taxpayer subsidies.

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I haven’t read the Hidden Tribes report, but is there some reason that “traditional conservatives” are part of the “wings” while “traditional liberals” are part of the “exhausted majority”? That difference makes the “right wing” seem much larger than the “left wing,” but if the two traditional groups were classified similarly, then the “wings” would be about the same size.

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Good question, Matthew. I have the broad strokes of the report seared in my brain, but I don't remember why the authors made that distinction.

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