The rules are simple. Do and say as the progressive leadership tells you. And then call it democracy and tolerance.

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Yep, that's right. You also get to call it "diversity"

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Love it when someone—here, Ted—puts the pieces together to prove 100% what we are always suggesting to skeptical listeners—namely, that lefties are as described here by The Radical Individualist.

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And it's so annoying that they get to hide behind noble sounding words.

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Nicely stated.

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Thought conformity über alles.

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I thought these awards were for your performance as an ACTOR, not your performance as a person.

S/he should definitely get an award especially since she tricked the Hollywood elite in thinking she was one of them then! ha ha.

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How deeply fascinating Gascón isn’t sick of Judaism or especially Zionism, despite being “so sick of so much of this shit, of islam, of christianity, of catholicism”. Must be a total coincidence... just like their entire career so far.

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ha, maybe so!

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