I’m a filmmaker who has been working on a docu-series project for the past several years, and due to the controversial material, we’ve been thinking of releasing it on YouTube rather than trying to get any sort of conventional streaming service. YouTube has a lot of downsides, though! Namely that our highly produced, educational videos might just be sucked in to the algorithmic void. Substack has much more thoughtful users and we’d much prefer to have our videos hosted on here. I’ll be very curious to see how we can get involved in “Substack Presents”! Will Part 2 delve into that process at all?

I also can’t wait to watch the film. After I read this book I knew it would be a cornerstone documentary that would mean a lot to a lot of people.

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Feb 27Liked by Ted Balaker

I’m sure Matt Goodwin will support you as he calls it “The Chilling Effect” 👍🏻👍🏻 Excited to watch the film! Loved the book 📖

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Feb 27Liked by Ted Balaker

Go, Courtney and Ted, go!

Looking forward to the release!

Meanwhile, the eight percent ~ the vicious tail:


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